Prison life I'm feeling Lucky Ohio Reformatory for Women Marysville Serial Killer female inmates Canada, Montreal Canada, Toronto Segregated Housing Unit Warden Dorothy Arn Mrs. Turley Women in prison OZ

Wednesday 30 May 2018


NO FENCES FEATURED WOMAN is our number one participant:

     Wanda Shorter

Wanda Shorter is a black 47-year old, non-violent offender, serving a 75-month
sentence.  She is nearing two years of her sentence at Lexington Camp, where she
is serving time for Health Care Fraud, and three counts of Identity Theft.  She has
NO criminal history.

   Wanda is well known and well-liked at Lex, and attempts to advocate for women
on every front.  She also constantly and consistently reaches out for help for her
son Freddie, who at age 19, made one bad decision that has resulted in him receiving
58 years.  

She writes pro-bono attorneys, councilmen, congressmen, and anyone else
that she feels might help her son.  That is one of the things that drives her daily.
NO FENCES displays 30 real life interviews of women serving time at Lexington
Federal Prison Camp, located in Lexington Kentucky.


The Introduction:

NO FENCES displays 30 real-life interviews of women serving time at Lexington
Federal Prison Camp, located in Lexington Kentucky.

The author, Tiauna Castro, created the movement and her debut book to go live
Fall of 2019, while serving a nine-month sentence at the Camp.  

The book gives an inside glimpse of the participant's traumatic experiences.  Their
stories also uncover the waste of taxpayers money on non-violent offenders.  

There is a comprehensive, domino effect that the prison system dumps on the children and
family members of women in prison.

NO FENCES is a platform that supports the FIRST STEP ACT, that advocates alternatives
to sentencing non-violent offenders.

Monday 14 May 2018

meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just… via… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just… via Tumblr...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a………………...

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Sunday 13 May 2018

meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a……………… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a……………...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a…………… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a…………...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a………… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a………...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a……… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a……...

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Saturday 12 May 2018

meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a…… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a…...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a… via…...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a… via… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a… via...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a different...

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meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a different day....

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Friday 11 May 2018

meek out, still in

im still living this meek mill extreme, still in fed prison, same old stuff just a different day. #meekmill #dateline #fed4life