Today Is Not Yesterday....
Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015
Well. It is always a bunch of drama at this
Camp. Today, Lt. Hernandez
was up here for a big bust. One
of the ladies, Samatha, with her crazy butt,
stuffed two packs of cigarettes and got caught stuffing them. The officer
had her strip searched, and it was what it was. This is what was weird about
it. They came and got her,
packed her property up, took her away (Lt.
Hernandez), and then twenty minutes later, she is back, unpacking her
in her room, like nothing ever happened. So...... what we KNOW now is that
the federal agents in the streets are not the only ones using
"snitch bonds"-
Samatha is HOT as hell itself!!!
Rhonda Turpin
author, publisher, prisoner at Danbury Camp
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